History of Maruishi
About Maruishi
History of Maruishi
1888 | Maruishi Firm founded in Awajimachi, Higashi-ku, Osaka. |
1908 | Temma Plant constructed in Kita-ku, Osaka, reorganizing into Maruishi Pharmaceutical unlimited partnership. |
1936 | Reorganized as a stock company (capital: \250,000), using the current name Maruishi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. |
1943 | Imazu Plant constructed in Imazucho, Joto-ku, Osaka (present location). |
1962 | Head office relocated to Fushimimachi, Higashi-ku, Osaka. |
1978 | STERIHYDE® (disinfectant: glutaral preparation) launched. |
1983 | Construction of Central Research Laboratories completed. |
1985 | WELPAS® (disinfectant: alcohol-based hand rub) launched. |
1990 | SEVOFRANE® (inhalation: general anesthetic) launched. |
1992 | Capital increased to \285,000,000. |
1993 | Annex of Central Research Laboratories constructed. |
1995 | SEVOFLURANE approved from the US food and Drug Administration. |
1997 | Meguro Institute Co, Ltd. became a subsidiary. |
1998 | New head office building constructed in Imazu, Tsurumi-ku, Osaka. |
2003 | Organizational changes implemented. |
2004 | PRECEDEX® (sedative: alpha-2 adrenergic agonists) launched. |
2008 | POPSCAINE® (long-acting local anesthetic) launched. |
2010 | WELCEPT® (disinfectant: alcohol-based hand rub) launched. |
2011 | WELFOAM® (disinfectant: foaming alcohol-based hand rub) launched. |
2012 | Corporate domicile changed to Imazu, Tsurumi-ku, Osaka. |
2014 | Warehouse for specific drugs at Imazu Plant constructed. |
2022 | Transferred Meguro Institute Co., Ltd. to Teijin Limited. |
- ®:represents trademark registered in Japan
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